2do Workshop de Sistemas Complejos

Programa Día 1 / Programm Day 1

Hora (ARG) Time (GMT) Expositor / Speaker Título / Title
9:00 9:50 12:00 12:50 Ignasi Bartomeus | Talk Beyond plant-pollinator networks: How intraspecific and interspecific interactions shape community persistence
10:00 10:50 13:00 13:50 Susanne Kortsch | Talk Disentangling temporal food web dynamics facilitates understanding of ecosystem functioning
11:00 11:50 14:00 14:50 Korinna Allhoff | Talk The paradox of the bryozoans: Surprising insights into the feedback structure and (in)stability of competitive communities from a mathematical network approach
12:30 13:20 15:30 16:20 Guy Bunin | Talk Fingerprints of high-dimensionality in diverse communities
13:30 14:20 16:30 17:20 Samir Suweis | Talk Adaptive metabolic strategies in consumer-resource models


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