2do Workshop de Sistemas Complejos

Programa Día 3 / Programm Day 3

Hora (ARG) Time (GMT) Expositor / Speaker Título / Title
9:00 9:50 12:00 12:50 Ricard Solé | Talk Bioengineering the biosphere: the multiscale picture
10:00 10:50 13:00 13:50 Ben Bond-Lamberty | Talk Tree mortality and tipping points in the forest carbon cycle”?
11:00 11:50 14:00 14:50 Matias Arim | Talk Containment to outbreak tipping points in COVID-19
12:30 13:20 15:30 16:20 Pilar Fernandez | Talk Vector-borne diseases as complex socio-ecological systems
13:30 14:20 16:30 17:20 Juan Rocha | Talk Detecting resilience loss in ecosystems


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